This is Chester. Cute little duffer, no? He showed up at our front door one day with a note taped to him that said: "I like magazines, loud noises, teeth, and stories about monkeys". The note also claimed he was from Pluto. We found a small, abandoned space ship a few blocks from our house. I know this sounds crazy, and after years of being told you are crazy you do start to wonder about yourself, but my wife agrees, this little critter seems to be trying to communicate with us. Sort of by telepathy. His favorite TV shows are
Orangutan Island,
Charlie Brown specials and the
Teletubbies. Here's a few of his favorite records: the Ran-dells-
Martian Hop, Little Ernest Tucker -
Gonna Get Me A Satellite, Ray Sawyer-
Rockin' Satellite, Nervous Norvus-
The Fang, Bob & Jerry-
Ghost Satellite , Bill Thomas-
The Sputnik Story, the Equadors-
Sputnik Dance ,the Roulettes-
Venus Rock, Roosevelt Sykes-
Satellite Baby ,Speedy West-
Spacemen In Orbit ,the Medallions-
Rocket Ship,Big Charles Green-
Gonna Rock On The Moon Tonight, Charlie Ryan-
Hot Rod Rocket , the Thunderbirds-
Flyin' Saucers Rock'n'Roll, Joe Tate & his Hi-Fives-
Satellite Rock , the Dovers-
The Invasion , Jimmy Bryant & Speedy West-
Stratosphere Boogie, the Jive 5-
People From Another World , Terry Dunavan-
Rock It On Mars , the Atlantics-
War Of The Worlds , the Vigilantes-
War Of The Satellites , the Fallouts-
Satellite, Joe Meek and the Blue Men-
Orbit Around The Moon , the Tornados-
Life On Venus. I'd say he has pretty good taste in records, given his chartreuse Mohawk hair-do, you'd expect him to be into GBH or something. I wonder what the critter is trying to tell us?
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