This week's delve into Fang's found photo archive asks the musical question Are You A Boy or Are You A Girl? as the Barbarians once put it. What I like about this photo is that it evokes the sleazy feeling of Hebert Selby Jr's
Last Exit To Brooklyn (Grove Press, 1957). The sad, queen in a cheap room somewhere, getting ready for a night out. The gloves are a nice touch, they cover up the tell-all hands. It also reminds me of a funny story. A friend of mine was working, renovating an apartment in the French Quarter in New Orleans for a gay couple who owned a parrot. The couple would be at their jobs all day while my friend was left alone to work while the parrot would say over and over again-- "You're just an all wrong drag queen". The only other phrase it knew was-- "ooh ooh oooh". Anyway, getting back to this week's found photo, I wonder what's in the record collection? Judy Garland no doubt, but what else do you think is in there?
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