I love Jimmy Reed. As a singer, guitarist, and songwriter he was the greatest, and the drunkest. I assume you're all familiar with Jimmy Reed's Vee Jay LP's- I'm Jimmy Reed, Rockin' With Reed, Best Of Jimmy Reed, Found Love, t'ain't no big thing but HE is...Jimmy Reed, and Just Jimmy Reed. All his Vee Jay sides are great, but the earliest, maroon label singles and LP's are greatness personified. He made it sound so simple. That said, I love this spot Jimmy did for Gypsy Rose Wine in the early 70's. I heard it as a kid on WLAC, a Nashville station that I could pick up in Florida on rainy nights, it took decades to track it down (if I could only find the Bo Diddley hair straighter spot!), and now here it is again, my present to you readers. Jimmy needed a little help getting through the thing, so his son Jimmy Reed Jr. aka Boonie is actually reading the ad copy. Jimmy must have gotten into the product before the recording started. The Gypsy Rose Wine (a fortified wine like MD 20/20, Night Train and Thunderbird) folks really understood their market. Somewhere in my archives I have a print ad that Carl Perkins did for a toupee company.
I'll try and dig that out one of these days. Come to think of it, Jimmy Reed also wore a toupee ...maybe that was the secret their success? The Rock'n'Roll Hall Of Fame should build a wing for drunk guys in toupees...
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