Now that's what they used to call "a tall drink of water". The Fang's contribution this week looks like it was taken in New York's Times Square, sometime in the fifties, although it's hard to pinpoint an exact year. At first glance I got very excited, I thought it might be taken in front of Hubert's Museum, a famous freakshow/peep show/sleazpit that stood on 42nd St. between Broadway and Eighth Ave. (Diane Arbus hung around there and took some of her most famous freak images in the place, some of her pics turned up at an estate auction a few years back and are the subject of the book
Hubert's Freaks by Gregory Gibson). Alas, it doesn't look like the front of Hubert's (which later became Peepland) to me, it's too narrow. Can anyone identify the theater and /or the tall guy? Not that I'm having any luck at all in gathering information this way ....still, it's a great photo. Take a look at the white gal in the far right side of the frame and the look on her face, priceless!
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