From Roger Vadim's Don Juan '73, a terrible movie with a brief nude love scene between Jane and Brigitte Bardot, the stills are way better than the film.
With Little Joe Dallasandro, from the amazing film Je t'aime moi non plus (directed by Serge Gainsbourg).

When ever I look at the live feed to this blog it seems there's never a moment of the day or night when someone isn't looking at the photos of Jane Birkin posted in Dec. 2008. I've posted pix of Brigitte Bardot, Michelle Phillips, Tuesday Weld, Julie Newmar, the lovely Bo Diddley, and they get hits once and a while, but it's nothing like the amount of traffic Jane Birkin gets. Are these readers all typing with one hand? I'd love to edit a coffee table book of Jane Birkin photos, any publishers out there game? Her filmography can be found here. Her daughter
Charlotte Gainsbourg has a new record out this week produced by Beck, I haven't heard it yet but they've both made a few records I really liked so it's probably worth checking out.
Anyway, since I have nothing to say today, I thought I'd post some more pix from my collection, I know there's a lot of you Jane Birkin fans out there. You're welcome.
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